気象略号リストです。 但し、内容が所轄機関によって改訂されていたり、国によって解釈が異なる場合があります。 航空に関するあらゆる情報・サービスを24時間態勢でご提供します。0120-777-204



表 記 意 味
A Preceding 4 Digits Altimeter (METAR)
A Absolute (Temperature)
A Alaskan Standard Time (Time Groups Only)
A Arctic (Air Mass)
A01 Automated Observation Without Precipitation Discriminator (Rain/Snow) (METAR)
A02 Automated Observation With Precipitation Discriminator (Rain/Snow) (METAR)
AAWF Auxiliary Aviation Weather Facility
AC Altocumulus
ACC Altocumulus Castellanus (ICAO)
ACCAS Altocumulus Castellanus
ACSL Standing Lenticular Altocumulus
ACYC Anticyclonic
ADRNDCK Adirondack
ADV Advise
ADVCTN Advection
ADVY Advisory
AFC Area Forecast Center
AFDK After Dark
ALF Aloft
ALGHNY Allegheny
ALQDS All Quadrants
ALSEC All Sectors
ALTA Alberta
ALUTN Aleutian
ALWF Actual Wind Factor
AM Ante Meridiem
AMD Amended Forecast (TAF)
AMPLTD Amplitude
AMS Air Mass
AMS American Meteorological Society
ANLYS Analysis
APLCN Appalachian
AS Altostratus
ASOS Automated Surface Observing System
ATLC Atlantic
AURBO Aurora Borealis
AUTO Automated (METAR) No Human Intervention
AWOS Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System
AWP Aviation Weather Processors

表 記 意 味
B Beginning of Precipitation (Time In Minutes) (Weather Reports Only)
B Bering Standard Time (Time Groups Only)
BACLIN Baroclinic or Baroclinic Prognosis
BATROP Barotropic or Barotropic Prognosis
BC Patches (METAR)
BC British Columbia
BCFG Patchy Fog (METAR)
BCH Beach
BCKG Backing
BDA Bermuda
BECMG Becoming (Expected Between 2 Digit Beginning Hour and 2 Digit Ending Hour) (TAF)
BFDK Before Dark
BINOVC Breaks in Overcast
BKN Broken
BL Between Layers
BL Blowing (METAR)
BLD Build
BLDU Blowing Dust (METAR)
BLDUP Buildup
BLKHLS Black Hills
BLKT Blanket
BLO Below (ICAO)
BLO Below Clounds (METAR)
BLSA Blowing Sand (METAR)
BLSN Blowing Snow (METAR)
BLW Below (ICAO)
BLZD Blizzard
BMS Basic Meteorological Services
BNDRY Boundary
BOVC Base of Overcast
BRF Brief
BRK Break
BRKHIC Breaks in Higher Overcast
BRKSHR Berkshire
BRM Barometer
BTL Between Layers
BTWN Between
BY Blowing Spray (METAR) (Weather Reports Only)

表 記 意 味
C Central Standard Time (Time Groups Only)
C Continental (Air Mass)
CA Clear Above (PIREP Only)
CAN Canada
CARIB Caribbean
CASCDS Cascades
CAT Clear Air Turbulence (GEN)
CAVOK Cloud and Visibility OK (METAR)
CAVU Clear or Scattered Clouds and Visibility Greater Than Ten Miles
CAWS Common Aviation Weather Sub-system
CB Cumulonimbus
CBMAM Cumulonimbus Mammatus
CC Cirrocumulus
CCLKWS Counterclockwise
CCSL Standing Lenticular Cirrocumulus
CDFNT Cold Front
CFP Cold Front Passage
CHARC Characteristic
CHC Chance
CHSPK Chesapeake
CI Cirrus
CIG Ceiling
CLD Cloud
CLR Clear
CLR Clear At Or Below 12,000 Feet (AWOS/ASOS Report) (METAR)
CLRS Clear and Smooth
CNCL Cancel
CNDN Canadian
CNVTV Convective
CONFDC Confidence
CONT Continue or Continuously (GEN)
CONTDVD Continental Divide
CONTRAILS Condensation Trails
COR Correction to the Observation (METAR)
CS Cirrostratus
CST Coast
CTGY Category
CTSKLS Catskills
CU Cumulus
CUFRA Cumulus Fractus
CYC Cyclonic
CYCLGN Cyclogenesis

表 記 意 味
DABRK Daybreak
DCAVU Clear or Scattered Clouds and Visibility Greater than Ten, Remainder of Report Missing (Weather Reports Only)
DKTS Dakotas
DMSH Diminish
DNS Dense
DNSLP Downslope
DNSTRM Downstream
DP Deep
DPNG Deepening
DPTH Depth
DR Low Drifting (METAR)
DRFT Drift
DRSA Low Drifting Sand (METAR)
DRSN Low Drifting Snow (METAR)
DRZL Drizzle
DS Dust Storm (METAR)
DSIPT Dissipate
DTLN International Dateline
DTRT Deteriorate
DU Widespread Dust (METAR)
DURC During Climb ((PIREP)
DURD During Descent (PIREP)
DVV Downward Vertical Velocity
DWNDFTS Downdrafts
DWPNT Dew Point
DZ Drizzle (METAR)

表 記 意 味
E Eastern Standard Time (Time Groups Only)
E Ending of Precipitation (Time in Minutes)(Weather Reports Only)
E Equatorial (Air Mass)
E Estimated (Weather Reports Only)
ELNGT Elongate
EMBDD Embedded
EMSU Environment Meteorological Support Unit
ENERN East-northeastern (Weather Reports Only)
ENEWD East-northeastward (Weather Reports Only)
EOF Expected Operations Forecast
ESERN East-southeastern (Weather Reports Only)
ESEWD East-southeastward (Weather Reports Only)
EXTRAP Extrapolate
EXTRM Extreme

表 記 意 味
FA Area Forecast
FAH Fahrenheit
FEW 1 or 2 Octas (Eighths) Cloud Coverage (METAR)
FC Funnel Cloud (METAR)
+FC Tornado/ Water Spout (METAR)
FIBI Filed But Impractical to Transmit
FILG Filling
FINO Weather Report Will Not Be Filed for Transmission
/FL Altitude/Flight Level (PIREP)
FL Flash Advisory
FLDST Flood Stage
FLG Falling
FLRY Flurry
FLWIS Flood Warning Issued
FM From (4 Digit Beginning Time In Hours and Minutes) (TAF)
FNT Front
FNTGNS Frontogenesis
FNTLYS Frontolysis
FORNN Forenoon
FRMG Forming
FROPA Frontal Passage
FROSFC Frontal Surface
FRST Frost
FRWF Forecast Wind Factor
FRZ Freeze
FRZLVL Freezing Level
FRZN Frozen
FT Feet (GEN)
FRQ Frequent (ICAO)
FU Smoke (METAR)
FULYR Smoke Layer Aloft
FUOCTY Smoke Over City
FWC Fleet Weather Central
FZ Supercooled/Freezing (METAR)
FZDZ Freezing Drizzle (METAR)
FZFG Freezing Fog (METAR)
FZRA Freezing Rain (METAR)

表 記 意 味
G Gusts Reaching (Knots) (Weather Reports Only)
GICG Glaze Icing
GLFALSK Gulf of Alaska
GLFCAL Gulf of California
GLFMEX Gulf of Mexico
GLFSTLAWR Gulf of St. Lawrence
GNDFG Ground Fog
GR Hail (Greater Than 1/4") (METAR)
GRAD Gradient
GRBNKS Grand Banks
GRDL Gradual
GRTLKS Great Lakes
GS Small Hail/Snow Pellets (Less Than 1/4") (METAR)
GSTS Gusts
GSTY Gusty
GV Ground Visibility

表 記 意 味
HCVIS High Clouds Visible
HDFRZ Hard Freeze
HDSVLY Hudson Valley
HI High
HIEAT Highest Temperature Equaled For All Time
HIEFM Highest Temperature Equaled For The Month
HIESE Highest Temperature Equaled So Early
HIESL Highest Temperature Equaled So Late
HIFOR High Level Forecast
HITMP Highest Temperature
HIXAT Highest Temperature Exceeded For All Time
HIXFM Highest Temperature Exceeded For The Month
HIXSE Highest Temperature Exceeded So Early
HIXSL Highest Temperature Exceeded So Late
HLSTO Hailstones
HLTP Hilltop
HLYR Haze Layer Aloft
HURCN Hurricane
HUREP Hurricane Report
HX High Index

表 記 意 味
/IC Icing (PIREP only)
IC Ice Crystals (METAR)
ICG Icing
ICGIC Icing in Clouds
ICGICIP Icing in Clouds and Precipitation
ICGIP Icing in Precipitation
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions (PIREP)
IMDT Immediate
INLD Inland
INSTBY Instability
INTR Interior
INTRMTRGN Inter-Mountain Region
INTS Intense
INTSFY Intensify
INVRN Inversion
IOVC In Overcast
IR Ice on Runway
ISOLD Isolated (GEN)

表 記 意 味
JTSTR Jet Stream

表 記 意 味
K Cold (Air Mass)
KFRST Killing Frost
KT Knots (Follows Wind Direction/speed) (GEN)

表 記 意 味
LABRDR Labrador
LCTMP Little Change in Temperature
LDG Landing
LFT Lift
LGRNG Long Range
LIFR Low IFR (Weather Reports Only)
LK Lake
LLWS Low Level Wind Shear (PIREP)
LN Line (GEN)
LOEAT Lowest Temperature Equaled For All Time
LOEFM Lowest Temperature Equaled For The Month
LOESE Lowest Temperature Equaled So Early
LOESL Lowest Temperature Equaled So Late
LOTMP Lowest Temperature
LOXAT Lowest Temperature Exceeded For All Time
LOXFM Lowest Temperature Exceeded For The Month
LOXSE Lowest Temperature Exceeded So Early
LOXSL Lowest Temperature Exceeded So Late
LSR Loose Snow on Runway
LTG Lightning
LTGCA Lightning Cloud-to-Air
LTGCC Lightning Cloud-to-Cloud
LTGCCCG Lightning Cloud-to-Cloud, Cloud-to-Ground
LTGCG Lightning Cloud-to-Ground
LTGCW Lightning Cloud-to-Water
LTGIC Lightning in Clouds
LTLCG Little Change
LTNG Lightning
LX Low Index
LYR Layer or Layered or Layers

表 記 意 味
M Maritime (Air Mass)
M In Temperature Field Means "Minus" or Below Zero (METAR)
M In RVR Field, Indicates Visibility Less Than Lowest Reportable Sensor Value (e.g. M0600FT)
M Missing (Weather Reports Only)
M Mountain Standard Time (Time Groups Only)
MA Map Analysis
MAN Manitoba
MEGG Merging
METAR Aviation Routine Weather Report (ICAO)
MEX Mexico
MHKVLY Mohawk Valley
MI Shallow (METAR)
MIDN Midnight
MIFG Patches of Shallow Fog Not Deeper Than Two Meters (METAR)
MLTLVL Melting Level
MMO Main Meteorological Office
MNLD Mainland
MOD Moderate (PIREP)
MOGR Moderate or Greater
MONTR Monitor
MOV Move
MRGL Marginal
MRNG Morning
MRTM Maritime
MS Minus
MSTLY Mostly
MSTR Moisture
MTN Mountain
MVFR Marginal VFR
MX Mixed, Icing Type (PIREP)
MXD Mixed

表 記 意 味
NB New Brunswick
NCWX No Change in Weather
NELY Northeasterly (Weather Reports Only)
NERN Northeastern
NEW ENG New England
NFLD Newfoundland
NGT Night
NL No Layers
NMBR Number
NNERN North-northeastern (Weather Reports Only)
NNEWD North-northeastward (Weather Reports Only)
NNWRN North-northwestern (Weather Reports Only)
NNWWD Northwestward (Weather Reports Only)
NO Not Available (e.g. SLPNO, RVRNO)
NORPI No Pilot Balloon Observation Will Be Filed Next Collection Unless Weather Changes Significantly
NOSPL No Special Observations Taken (Weather Reports Only)
NPRS Nonpersistent
NS Nimbostratus
NS Nova Scotia
NSCSWD No Small Craft or Storm Warning are Being Displayed
NSW No Significant Weather (TAF)
NVA Negative Vorticity Advection
NWLY Northwesterly (Weather Reports Only)
NWRN Northwestern (Weather Reports Only)

表 記 意 味
OBS Observation
OBSC Obscure
OCFNT Occluded Front
OCLD Occlude
OCLN Occlusion
OCNL Occasional (GEN)
OFP Occluded Frontal Passage
OFSHR Offshore
OMTNS Over Mountains
ONSHR On Shore
ONT Ontario
ORGPHC Orographic
OSV Ocean Station Vessel
OTAS On Top and Smooth
OTLK Outlook
/OV Location (PIREP Only)
OVC Overcast

表 記 意 味
P Pacific Standard Time (Time Group Only)
P Polar (Air Mass)
P In RVR Field, Indicates Visibility Greater Than Highest Reportable Sensor Value (e.g. P6000FT)
P6SM Visibility Greater Than 6 Statute Miles (TAF Only)
PAC Pacific
PBL Probable
PCPN Precipitation
PDMT Predominant
PDMT Predominate
PDW Priority Delayed Weather
PE Ice Pellets (METAR)
PEN Peninsula
PGTSND Puget Sound
PIBAL Pilot Balloon Observation
PISE No Pilot Balloon Observation Due To Unfavorable Sea Conditions
PISO No Pilot Balloon Observation Due To Snow
PIWI No Pilot Balloon Observation Due To High, or Gusty, Surface Wind
PK WND Peak Wind
PL Ice Pellets (METAR)
PLW Plow (Snow)
PNHDL Panhandle
PO Dust/Sand Whirls (METAR)
PPINE Radar Weather Report No Echoes Observed
PPINA Radar Weather Report Not Available (Or Omitted For a Reason Different Than Those Otherwise Stated)
PPINO Radar Weather Report Equipment Inoperative Due To Breakdown
PPIOK Radar Weather Report Equipment Operation Resumed
PPIOM Radar Weather Report Equipment Inoperative Due To Maintenance
PR Partial (METAR)
PRBLTY Probability
PRESFR Pressure Falling Rapidly
PRESRR Pressure Rising Rapidly
PRFG Fog Partial (METAR)
PRJMP Pressure Jump (Weather Reports Only)
PROB30 Slight Chance, Probability 30 Percent (TAF)
PROB40 Probability 40 Percent (TAF)
PROG Prognosis or Prognostic
PRSNT Present
PS Plus
PSG Passage
PSG Passing
PSR Packed Snow on Runway
PTCHY Patchy
PTLY Partly
PVA Positive Vorticity Advection
PWINO Precipitation Identifier Information Not Available (Weather Reports Only)
PY Spray (METAR)

表 記 意 味
QSTNRY Quasi-stationary
QUE Quebec

表 記 意 味
R Runway (Used In RVR Measurement)
RABA No RAWIN Obs., No Balloons Available
RABAL Radiosonde Balloon Wind Data
RABAR Radiosonde Balloon Release
RACO No RAWIN Obs., Communications Out
RADAT Radiosonde Observation Data
RADNO Report Missing Account Radio Failure
RAFI Radiosonde Observation Not Filed
RAFRZ Radiosonde Observation Freezing Levels
RAHE No RAWIN Obs., No Gas Available
RAICG Radiosonde Observation Icing at
RAOB Radiosonde Observation
RAPI Radiosonde Report Already Sent in PIBAL Collection
RAREP Radar Weather Report
RASN Rain and Snow (METAR)
RAVU Radiosonde Analysis and Verification Unit
RAWE No RAWIN obs., Unfavorable Weather
RAWI No RAWIN Obs., High and Gusty Winds
RAWIN Upper Winds Obs. (By Radio Methods)
RCD Radar Cloud Detection Report
RCDNA Radar Cloud Detection Report Not Available
RCDNE Radar Cloud Detection Report No Echoes Observed
RCDNO Radar Cloud Detector Inoperative Due to Breakdown Until
RCDOM Radar Cloud Detector Inoperative Due to Maintenance Until
RCKY Rockies (Mountains)
RDG Ridge
RDWND Radar Dome Wind
RESTR Restrict
RGD Ragged
RH Relative Humidity
RHINO Radar Echo Height Information Not Available
RHINO Radar Range Height Indicator Not Operating on Scan
RIOGD Rio Grande
/RM Remarks (PIREP)
RMK Remark(s)
RNFL Rainfall
ROBEPS Radar Operating Below Prescribed Standard
RPD Rapid
RSG Rising
RUF Rough
RY/RWY Runway

表 記 意 味
SASK Saskatchewan
SBSD Subside
SC Stratocumulus
SCSL Standing Lenticular Stratocumulus
SCT Scattered
SELS Severe Local Storms
SELY Southeasterly (Weather Reports Only)
SERN Southeastern (Weather Reports Only)
SEV Severe (ICAO)
SFERICS Atmospherics
SG Snow Grains (METAR)
SGD Solar-Geophysical Data
SH Showers (METAR)
SHFT Shift (Weather Reports Only)
SHGR Hail Showers
SHGS Small Hail Showers
SHLW Shallow
SHRA Rain Showers
SHRTLY Shortly
SHSN Snow Showers
SHWR Shower
SIERNEV Sierra Nevada
SIR Snow and Ice on Runway
/SK Sky Conditions (PIREP Only)
SKC Sky Clear (METAR)
SKC Clear
SLD Solid
SLP Sea Level Pressure (e.g. 1013.2 Reported as 132)
SLR Slush on Runway
SLT Sleet
SM Statute Mile(s)
SMK Smoke
SMTH Smooth
SNBNK Snowbank
SNFLK Snowflake
SNOINCR Snow Depth Increase in Past Hour
SNW Snow
SNWFL Snowfall
SP Station Pressure
SPECI Special Report (METAR)
SPKL Sprinkle
SPLNS South Plains
SPRD Spread
SQ Squall (METAR)
SQAL Squall
SQLN Squall Line
SS Sandstorm (METAR)
SSERN South-southeastern (Weather Reports Only)
SSEWD South-southeastward (Weather Reports Only)
SSWRN South-southwestern (Weather Reports Only)
SSWWD South-southwestward (Weather Reports Only)
ST Stratus
STAGN Stagnation
STFRA Stratus Fractus
STFRM Stratiform
STG Strong
STM Storm
STNRY Stationary
SWLG Swelling
SWLY Southwesterly (Weather Reports Only)
SWRN Southwestern (Weather Reports Only)
SX Stability Index
SXN Section
SYNOP Synoptic
SYNS Synopsis

表 記 意 味
T Trace (Weather Reports Only)
T Tropical (Air Mass)
/TA Air Temperature (PIREP)
TAF Aviation Terminal Forecast
/TB Turbulence (PIREPS Only)
TCU Towering Cumulus
TEMPO Temporary Changes Expected (Between 2 Digit Beginning Hour and 2 Digit Ending Hour) (TAF)
THD Thunderhead (Non METAR)
THDR Thunder (Non METAR)
THK Thick
THN Thin
TKOF Takeoff
/TM Time (PIREP)
TOP Cloud Top
TOVC Top of Overcast
/TP Type Aircraft (PIREP Only)
TPG Topping
TRIB Tributary
TROF Trough
TROP Tropopause
TRPCD Tropical Continental (Air Mass)
TRPCL Tropical
TRPLYR Trapping Layer
TS Thunderstorm (METAR)
TSGR Thunderstorm With Hail (METAR)
TSGS Thunderstorm With Small Hail (METAR)
TSHWR Thundershower (Non METAR)
TSPL Thunderstorm With Ice Pellets
TSQLS Thundersqualls (Non METAR)
TSRA Thunderstorm With Rain (METAR)
TSSA Thunderstorm With Duststorm or Sandstorm (METAR)
TSSN Thunderstorm With Snow (METAR)
TSTM Thunderstorm (Non METAR)
TURBC Turbulence
TURBT Turbulent
TWRG Towering

表 記 意 味
UA Routine PIREP
UAG Upper Atmosphere Geophysics
UDDF Up and Down Drafts
UNSBL Unseasonable
UNSTBL Unstable
UNSTDY Unsteady
UNSTL Unsettle
UP Unknown Precipitation (Automated Observations)
UPDFTS Updrafts
UPR Upper
UPSLP Upslope
UPSTRM Upstream
UVV Upward Vertical Velocity
UWNDS Upper Winds

表 記 意 味
V Varies (Wind Direction and RVR)
V Variable (Weather Reports Only)
VA Volcanic Ash (METAR)
VC Vicinity
VCFG Fog in Vicinity (METAR)
VIS Visibility (GEN)
VLCTY Velocity
VLNT Violent
VLY Valley
VR Veer
VRB Variable Wind Direction When Speed Is Less Than Or Equal To 6 Knots
VRISL Vancouver Island, BC
VRT MOTN Vertical Motion
VSBY Visibility
VSBYDR Visibility Decreasing Rapidly
VSBYIR Visibility Increasing Rapidly
VV Vertical Visibility (Indefinite Ceiling) (METAR)

表 記 意 味
W Warm (Air Mass)
WDC-1 World Data Centers in Western Europe
WDC-2 World Data Centers Throughout Rest of World
WDLY Widely
WDSPRD Widespread
WEA Weather
WFP Warm Front Passage
WINT Winter
WND Wind
WNWRN West-northwestern (Weather Reports Only)
WNWWD West-northwestward (Weather Reports Only)
WPLTO Western Plateau
WR Wet Runway
WRM Warm
WRMFNT Warm Front
WRNG Warning
WS Wind Shear (in TAFs, Low Level and Not Associated With Convective Activity)
WSHFT Wind Shift
WSOM Weather Service Operations Manual
WSR Wet Snow on Runway
WSTCH Watch Range
WSWRN West-southwestern (Weather Reports Only)
WSWWD West-southwestward (Weather Reports Only)
WTR Water
WTSPT Waterspout
WV Wave
/WV Wind at Altitude Only (PIREP Only)
WW Severe Weather Forecast
/WX Flight visibility and Flight Weather (PIREP)
WXCON Weather Reconnaissance Flight Pilot Report

表 記 意 味
XCP Except
XPC Expect

表 記 意 味
Y Yukon Standard Time (Time Groups Only)
YKN Yukon
YLSTN Yellowstone

表 記 意 味
Z Appended Date-Time Group Indicates UTC (METAR/TAF)
ZI Zonal Index
ZI Zone of Interior
ZRNO Freezing Rain Information Not Available (Weather Reports Only)

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